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How are students assessed?

Formative assessments: Lesson quizzes, teaching and scoring rubrics, editing and revision checklists, student worksheets. Summative Assessment: Grading by Design unit assessments. Quick and easy automated assessments with timely feedback of student progress, eliminating extensive teacher time to grade student writing.


 How do teachers and administrators know how students are performing?

Teachers can share individual and whole-class assessment reports.


How do Grading by Design online assessments work?

Click Here: GBD Tutorial

Can I make comments on students’ writing using the online assessments?



What are the benefits to using Writing by Design?

  • No lesson preparation

  • Easy, consistent teaching

  • Proven proficiency gains for all students

  • Alignment to State and Common Core Standards

  • Elimination of long hours of grading papers with Grading by Design

  • Optional in-class or remote instruction

  • Self-paced, independent student instruction with video lessons and online assessments.


What are the benefits to using Grading by Design?

  • It’s a huge teaching time-saver, alleviating hours and hours to grade student writing.

  • Because it requires student analysis of their work, it elevate student understanding.

  • It provides individual and whole class reports that allows for targeted re-teaching.

What are the benefits to using the video lessons?

  • Students can progress at their own pace.

  • Because mastery of each lesson’s quiz is required to move on to the next lesson and teachers can easily monitor and support student progress, it ensures greater student success.

  • It doesn’t require teacher prep or instructional delivery.

  • Students love them!

How will Writing by Design help students meet grade-level standards and succeed on high-stakes tests?

  • Students can progress at their own pace.

  • Because mastery of each lesson’s quiz is required to move on to the next lesson and teachers can easily monitor and support student progress, it ensures greater student success.

  • It doesn’t require teacher prep or instructional delivery.

  • Students love them!

How will Writing by Design help students meet grade-level standards and succeed on high-stakes tests?

It is aligned to State and Common Core Standards with years of proven proficiency gains for all students.


How much does it cost?

PreK-2: $495/teacher

3-8: $545/teacher, includes Grading by Design online assessments

Video Lessons, 3-8: $100/10 students at any grade, with purchase of a teaching manual


How can my school cover the cost to purchase?

21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant

Assessment Funds

COVID Relief Funds

Funding for 1:1 Laptop Initiatives

IDEA – Special Education Funds

Impact Aid


PTA Funds

Remediation Funds

Response to Intervention Funds

State and Local Curriculum Funds

State and Local Technology Funds

Title I, Part A

Title I, Part C – Migrant Education

Title I, Part D-2 – Neglected and Delinquent

Title I, Section 1003(a) and (g) – School

Title II – Professional Development

Title III – English Language Acquisition

Title IV – Safe and Drug-free Schools

Title VI, Part B – Rural Education

Title VII – Indian Education


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What genres are taught?

Narrative, Informative, Opinion/Argument, Summary

How many lessons?








Is PD available?

Yes; the program orientation and demonstration lessons are online at no cost.

In-person orientation and coaching days are optional.

Are classroom charts necessary?

No; they can be printed for student writing folders and projected from the teaching manual.

What do I need to know to teach Writing by Design?

A review of the program orientation is extremely helpful for implementation.

How do the video lessons work?

Students watch each lesson and complete the end-of-lesson quiz to move on to the next lesson. Teachers get reports of student progress.

What components of the program are optional?

Professional development, classroom charts, and video lessons


How does Writing by Design support English learners and students with special needs?

Each lesson focuses on a small teachable concept. Differentiation strategies for English Learners and students with special needs are provided for each unit. Writing by Design increases proficiency for ALL students.

Can WBD be used for intervention? 

Yes, online assessments provide General and Special Education teachers and support staff with information to target reteaching. Video lessons provide self-paced instruction with end-of-lesson quizzes to ensure mastery.

Does it work for Transitional Kindergarten?

Yes. Please see a sample TK Demonstration Lesson


How long are the lessons?

Video lessons: 15-20 minutes; Teacher-delivered lessons: 30 to 45 minutes.

Do I need to teach Writing by Design every day?

No; however, lessons within each genre are best taught on consecutive days.

Is this program online?

Yes; 1) Teaching manuals, 2) Video lessons, and 3) Grading by Design


Are there reoccurring fees?

Are there reoccurring fees? No; only for optional annual renewal of the online teaching manual and video lessons.

Does every student have to have a computer?

No; teaching manuals provide comprehensive lessons and assessments. Students can take notes, complete handouts, and compose writing using pen/pencil and paper. A computer is only necessary to use Grading by Design assessments and video lessons.

Is this program online?

Yes; 1) Teaching manuals, 2) Video lessons, and 3) Grading by Design

What bandwidth is necessary for the video lessons?

Each video averages between 0.5MB and 1MB of bandwidth needed per device.

Is student data collected?

No; Teachers can send access links directly to student email.

Are there video lessons for primary grades?
Currently, our video lessons are tailored for students in 3rd through 8th grades. This decision is based on the need for students at these levels to independently engage with 15-20 minute lessons and subsequently complete lesson quizzes. We recognize that this format requires a certain level of autonomy and comprehension skill that is more consistent with the abilities of older students. However, we are excited to inform you that we are in the planning phase of developing computer-based instructional content specifically designed for primary grade students. These future resources will be crafted to suit the learning styles and capabilities of younger learners, ensuring they are both educational and engaging.

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